You are like an avalanche of teddy bears
On a mountain made of bean bag chairs.
You are like a motorcycle joy ride
Across a red Martian countryside.
You are like the sunset over Mount Fuji
That tourists never get to see.
You are like a superhero who takes off their mask
only for me, when I find the courage to ask.
You are like a movie I’ve been longing to see,
And the theater is empty, and I get in for free.
You are like a close encounter with a kangaroo,
You eat my snacks and let me touch you.
You are like a quadruple scoop ice cream cone
That I’m glad I don’t have to finish alone.
You are like the rope swing over the lake
And all those wild leaps I used to take.
You are all the dreams I never want to end
Returning to me in the form of a friend.