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We Are In The Stars

Millions, billions, trillions all around us

But barely beheld behind the shadows

of ancient trees, the size of skyscrapers

Looming like the sentinels of sacred night.

They look down upon us dispassionately,

As we stumble, drunk in the dark.

We forgot our flashlights, but it’s fine

Because we stand among the stars.

We know the lonely stars,

We gather them together

with stories so they will not be lonely,

And give them satellites for company.

Celestial bodies, floating in foreverness,

Collected debris organized into the orbits of our days.

Just little lights from afar, but massive in perspective.

We are vast, we are ancient, we matter.

No matter how far apart

In the inky black abyss we drift,

The bonds of gravity are never broken,

We are forever drawn together.

With the stars, we know where we are:

Not in the center, not at the edge.

Not at home, but not lost either.

Just here, in the stars, in the stars, in the stars.

Other Ways to Say I Love You

Sister From Another Mister